Create a Seeded Optimization Job: Alignment Seed
Create a job as described in Unseeded Optimization. In Step 2, choose Alignment seed.
Click the alignment that you intend to use as a seed.
Note: Before refining a CAD-generated alignment, import it into the system.
Select Total, Vertical, or Local.
4. Do one of the following:
If you selected Total or Vertical, complete Step 3 through Step 5 in Unseeded optimization.
If you selected Local, drag-and-drop the flags from the ends of the alignment to the section to be optimized. The section within the flags and a minor section beyond each flag will be reoptimized. Then complete Step 3 through Step 5 in Unseeded optimization.
CAD alignments
You can refine a CAD-generated alignment using a seeded optimization. A CAD-generated alignment includes a horizontal alignment. It can also include a vertical alignment and cross-section data.
You can:
Import an existing alignment, see Import an Existing Alignment.
Create a horizontal alignment in Plan View, see Create Alignments.
Next topic: Create a Seeded Optimization Job: Feature Seed