Clip to Area tool

The Clip to Area tool enables you to clip data that is not required for the project. The main use of this tool is to remove data that is no located on the project TMQ. The excess data can slow processing down since it is still considered during processing. 

Creating a clip to area zone

In the Edit tab, click Clip to Area.

After you select the tool, the cursor changes to the Clip to Area tool. Define the area to be used for clipping by tracing the boundary of the zone in the Plan View window using the left mouse button. Double-click or press Enter on the last vertex to close the zone. You can also snap to existing features during tracing by holding down Shift. 

Once the zone is closed, the features outside of the zone are removed. The features removed must be completely outside the zone. If any part of the linear/zone is inside the clip area, the feature will not be removed. The Clip to Area tool also removes features that are inactive or that are not visible. 


Features removed will be deleted from the scenario in the Plan and Profile views. Only features will be removed from the Scenario Tree list; not the layers they belong too. If all the features are deleted from a layer, the layer will remain but will be empty. The end points, rail stations, and global zones created in a project are not affected by the Clip to Area tool. The data removed from a project can be undone by using the Undo button, but only if you have not saved the scenario. Once the scenario has been saved, the data is permanently deleted from the project. The tool can only be used when no results or manually created alignments are loaded into a scenario. 

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