Run a Feature Query

You can run a query on any feature property other than centerline. Criteria can be numeric or non-numeric.

Example 1

Create a simple collection of all rivers that are less than 20 meters wide, change the crossing type to three cells of a particular type of culvert, and change the color to a different shade of blue in order to highlight the new requirements.

Run this feature query

All of the Rivers within the study area are selected. The next step is to select those rivers that are less than 20 meters wide.

a. Leave the Object field as Feature.

b. Under Property select Width.

c. From the Operator list select <.

d. From the Value list select 20.00

e. Click Select from set.

Note: When you click Select from set, the software creates a subset of the original set. The subset meets an additional criterion. You can keep repeating the process to create a final collection that satisfies three or four criteria.

Quantm Desktop software discards all rivers that are more than 20 meters in width.

a. Change the Crossing type to Culvert.

b. Set Culvert type to 1500mm box.

c. Set the number of cells to 3.

d. Change the Color setting to the new color.

Example 2

Create a more complex collection that includes all roads wider than 20 meters and all rivers wider than 30 meters.

Run this feature query

Note: When you click Add to set, the software adds objects that meet the new criterion to the original set.

Next topic: Run a Zone Query